What People are saying about Confluence!

Confluence is an intimate, friendly science fiction and fantasy convention where musicians, artists, writers and fans can enjoy quality experiences together and converse in depth. It’s a best-kept secret of the fan community!” –Marie Vibbert Read her post-con blog post HERE

You can meet everybody in attendance here and talk to nearly everybody, and converse with all the pros. . . And Confluence is a con worthy of attention!Convention report, by Brenda Clough

The most underrated writing conference around. Unbeatable value.” – Brandon McNulty

Vera Brook is a neuroscientist turned science fiction & fantasy writer. This year was her first Confluence conference. You can read her heartening writeup HERE.

This is a comfortable, book-oriented, author-friendly convention, with an excellent dealers’ room. The filkers and poets get along nicely, and there’s a theatrical performance that is only occasionally shut down by the police or by angry villagers.” –Timons Esaias

Barbara Doran is a new Pulp writer of SF and Fantasy. You can read her Confluence Post Con Report HERE.

One of the best fan-run SF/F cons I’ve been too. Excellent panels, outstanding musical program, great guests!” –TJ Burnside Clapp, musician, cosplayer.

I always enjoy Confluence because of its friendly atmosphere and wide variety of activities that often makes it hard to decide what I want to do next.” –John Frochio, indie author

Confluence is an amazing and well-organized con that offers quality and variety of experiences. It’s always really helpful to me as a fantasy writer–and very enjoyable!”Frederic S. Durbin

“This remains the BEST , friendliest Regional convention! Always quality, always good conversation, great Dealer’s Room, stellar Art Show!”Susan Dexter

“Confluence is one of the friendliest cons I’ve ever been to.”Grant Carrington

 “[Confluence is] A weekend where I can relax, have fun with friends, and meet awesome new authors.”
Con Report: Confluence, by JL Gribble.

“How could I possibly take on everything I wanted to do at Confluence without a voice? Through the support of wonderful people, that’s how!” Brandon Ketchum

Confluence is a small but lively con; there’s always something interesting going on and yet due to its size you’ll find yourself meeting nearly everyone there, guests as well as fans.” -Stephen Fisher

“I had a great time sharing my art with new friends and old at Confluence!Rhonda Libbey 

Too much of every kind of fun.” -filkferengi

My best memories of Confluence: the filk singing circle, a long conversation with David D. Levine about writing workshops, his Arabella of Mars series, and life in general. Catherine M. Valente’s reading form Space Opera, which is howlingly funny. Getting the scoop on recent and upcoming missions to Mercury and the sun. Tasting locally brewed beer and mead. Kaffee Klatch with J.D. Barker, and the textiles presentation by Susan Dexter. The only one of those I knew I’d love in advance was the filking, all the rest were serendipitous delights.” -Chris Wozney

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